Wine, singing and oranges | Mallorca

Wine, singing and oranges Mallorca | Spain Mallorca has many layers. It’s about discovery, but it’s also about the sun, the unbelievable colors of the sea, the wine, the fresh oranges, having a great time with your loved ones, and, above all, the joy of life. However, things were quite different …

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Guggenheim effect | Bilbao

Guggenheim effect Bilbao | Spain Our bus passes quickly through the unostentatious hilly landscape of northern Spain. Although the journey from the airport to the center is supposed to be short, there is still not even the slightest hint of suburbanization in front of us. Finally, there is a customs gate, …

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In the realm of pomp | Abu Dhabi

In the realm of pomp Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates Traveling from Prague to Abu Dhabi through Poland and Ukraine now seems almost unimaginable over time and especially the events. In addition, this travel maneuver took us an incredible 24 hours. Traveling during covid was sometimes a little absurdly complicated. …

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Blue pearl | Chefchaouen

Blue pearl Chefchaouen | Morocco It is a little over four hours we have been bumping by line bus through the desolate landscape of the Rif Mountains. The image of an utterly remote place is completed by a mysterious older man sitting in the middle of nowhere on a white plastic chair, grazing …

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Goat? or two? | Nizwa

A goat? Or two? Nizwa – Goat market | Oman I am waking up to a rather chilly Friday morning. It is shortly before half past four. During the eleven days we have been cruising across the Sultanate, I have already adjusted my daily routine however, getting up so early …

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