Spring cleanse

Spring cleanse

client: Edenred| edenred.cz

Edenred is focusing on employee benefits in already 42 countries in the world. Major selling articles of the company are mainly meal vouchers and vouchers for health care, sport, or culture. One of the key communicated themes is the healthy lifestyle and the related spring body cleanse. This topic refers to a search engine for FOOD-participating restaurants that are committed to respecting at least 5 of the 9 healthy eating criteria that have been designed together with the STOB (Stop Obesity) guarantor. My task, in cooperation with the Blueberry agency, was to concept and produce a sufficiently creative visual covering this subject in less than a day. The final design is based on the simple idea – “You don’t have to stand on your head to eat healthy, while you just could grab your edenred card and visit the edenred search engine”.

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